
Squidnation Long Tail Flippy Floppy Daisy Chain Natural/Pink

Original price was: $109.99.Current price is: $27.50.

SKU: LTFF1143 Category: Tag:


Years ago North Carolina Green Stick Fishermen were stuffing their 9 inch squids with a pink or blue skirt. The skirt tentacles extended beyond the tentacles of the squid body and made for more attractive bait that would generate more bites. We decided to try stuffing our clear body UV squids with the longer tentacle squid insert and test to see if we noticed any difference.

The bites were definitely fiercer on these longer tentacle squids. At Squidnation, we are of the mindset that fish don’t think, they react. The longer tentacles seem to stimulate a more aggressive reaction. We added the Long Tail Maulers to the Flippy Floppy product and have noticed a more consistent bite with these new squids. Long Tail Flippy Floppy come in a multitude of UV impregnated skirts in a UV clear Mauler Squid. The combination is deadly. Tuna, wahoo, dolphin, marlin and sailfish have got to kill those Flippy Floppy Things.


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